home Welcome to the Lower East Side of New York City!
Artists of the Lower East Side Show -
Tenement Museum Irish Exhibit
Artists Open House
National Trust for Historic Preservation
Thompson LES Hotel Pool
Tenement Museum Location
Andy Warhol Rooftop Pool
Arthur Laurents moves West Side Story history
Milk Bone Biscuit Invention
Jason Pomeranc Big Mouth
Madonna on the Lower East Side
Allen Street Mall Refurbishing
Life on Mars Lower East Side
Lou Reed's Apartment Lower East Side
Fake Sunglasses Connection
Tenement Museum Obstructs Union Organizers
LES Tenement Museum Receives Award
Andy Warhol Under Water
Late Night Dinner
Chloe, Underground Lounge
Winter Jam East River Park
No Job Drink Tequila Delancey
Vietnamese Beer Garden
First Lady of the United States Laura Bush in the living room of one of the apartments on the Lower East Side, Manhattan, New York Fall 2008 - The Lower East Side Tenement Museum was one of ten museums and libraries awarded the 2008 National Medal for Museum and Library Service. The Award is America's highest honor for institutions of significant and exceptional contributions to their communities. The Award further merits institutions which reach out to people of all ages and backgrounds and invite
them to explore our the nation's diverse history, culture, and literature. The Museum was honored in October 2008 with a visit from the First Lady of the United States, Laura Bush, accompanied by her daughter, Barbara Bush. The Lower East Side Tenement Museum is open throughout the year; tours begin at 108 Orchard Street. Filed under: LES Tenement Museum Receives Award

Fall 2008 - The 30 people who share the title, 'Educator' at the Lower East Side Tenement Museum have been considering the formation of a Union for several years. They are the part-time and per diem workers who are the 'Tour Guides'. Over the past few years, the popularity of the Tenement Museum has risen

the levines of 97 orchard street, the lower east side tenement museum
and the quality of the tours provided by the Educators each day has been cited by many tourists as, 'Excellent!' In this same period of time, many of the Educators have seen their colleagues fired with no notice, no recourse and no termination or severance pay. The Educators are interested in unionizing yet their efforts to do so are being blocked by the administrators of the Museum. The administrators do not want to give their Educators these benefits: guaranteed hours, vacation time, sick leave, health care and due process prior to termination. Museum management repeatedly has said it only will recognize a union that includes both full-time and part-time employees. Full-time workers, so far, haven’t organized. Email the Museum Here Filed under: Tenement Museum Denies Union Organizers

 More Delights from the Lower East Side of Manhattan
Artists of the Lower East Side Show National Trust for Historic Preservation
Tenement Museum Irish Museum Thompson LES Hotel Pool
Artists Open House Tenement Museum Location
Andy Warhol rooftop pool mosaic Jason Pomeranc big mouth
West Side Story connects to Lower East Side Milk Bone Dog Biscuit history in NYC
NYC News Archive Madonna on the Lower East Side
Allen Street Mall Makeover Refurbishing Life on Mars TV show shoots on the Lower East Side
Lou Reed's Apartment Lower East Side Fake Sunglasses Connection
Tenement Museum Denies Union Organizers LES Tenement Museum Receives Award
Andy Warhol Swims in a Rooftop Pool Late Night Dinner Lower East Side
Chloe, latest underground bar What to do Lower East Side Winter
Bars Nightclubs Lower East Side Restaurants Lower East Side
Guss Pickles move Brooklyn World's Largest Matzo Ball
Vietnamese Beer Garden Guss Pickles Porn Advertisement
Lower East Side Boutiques to London Sunshine Cinema Manhattan
Alife Gallery Lower East Side Clayton Patterson Photographs
Manhattan Cupcake Crawl Katz's Deli Extinct Soon?
NYC Subway Purse Hook NYC Subway Purse Hanger
Meatball Shop Comfort Food Lower East Side Painkiller Tiki Bar Essex Street
Lower East Side Food Co-Op Forming Mayor Ed Koch Movie Reviewer
Lower East Side Jewish Conservancy Tours Girls Club Cafe Celebration Cafe Bowery
Best Chinese Manhattan, Congee Village Naked Katy Perry album cover
Pole Dancing Store Owner, Allen Street Most Unusual Souvenir NYC
Lower East Side Greek Restaurant Lower East Side Backyard Rental
International Pickle Day Lower East Side Lower East Side Artist Gallery Walking Tour
Lower East Side Jewish Synagogue List Lower East Side Blueway
Doughnut Plant Expanding Real Estate Lower East Side Jewish Food Smoked Fish
Did you know?
classic bagel lox cream cheese red onion

A Speakeasy in Manhattan

December 2014: Chloe 81 has been called, "A Speakeasy for Our Time". Can't get enough of Boarwalk Empire, get on down to the lower east side of Manhattan and head down to the subterraneum restaurant, cafe, lounge known as Chloe 81.
Pale yellow subway tile, low lighting, secret rooms and clubby banquettes all smell "in crowd".
Contemporary drink choices will let you choose a drink with elderflower, champagne and ginger.
Bring your late night date here to impress with your knowledge of underground New York City!

File: Manhattan Speakeasy

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