Loisaida artists showcase inspiration close to home - now through June 26 at the Tompkins Square Library, 331 East 10th Street - Installation: The Wildlife of the Lower East Side by Artistas de Loisaida -
is a multicultural group of 18 painters, photographers, printmakers, and sculptors is an evolving collective of individuals who enjoy the camaraderie and collaborative process. Participants are Deborah Aslanian, Mario Bustamante, Lois Carlo, Onno de Jong, Ken Ecker, Dennis Edge, Lauren Edmond, Gabe Kirchheimer, Horacio Molina, Jerry Pagane, Jacqueline Sferra Rada, Carolyn Ratcliffe, Bonnie Rosenstock (full disclosure: that’s me), Alex Ross, Morena Saenz, Anna Sawaryn, Shell Sheddy and Leslie Tanner. Wildlife is as the theme for the group’s 11th annual show. "Wildlife" isn’t the first image that springs to mind when considering the Lower East Side, but but for the Artistas de Loisaida, or the Artists of the Lower East Side, the neighborhood flora and fauna offer endless inspiration. Here, the LES encompasses the East Village, which was part of the original area. From the community gardens that founding members helped to create and save, to the vitality of Tompkins Square Park and the energy of surrounding environs, all is manna for the urban artists.
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